Chapter 2: Review of the Literature

2.0 Preliminaries…………………………………………………………………………15

2.1 Significance of the Listening Skill…………………………………………………15

2.2 The Listening Process………………………………………………………………17

2.2.1 Top-down Processing……………………………………………………17

2.2.2 Bottom-up Processing……………………………………………………18

2.3 Components of the Listening Skill…………………………………………………20

2.4 Types of the Listening Skill………………………………………………………21

2.5 A Historical Overview of the Listening Instruction………………………………24

2.6 Teaching Listening…………………………………………………………………28

2.7 Areas of Research in the Listening Comprehension………………………………31

2.8 Video Material……………………………………………………………………33

2.8.1 Dual Coding Theory (DCT)……………………………………………..35

2.8.2 Authenticity………………………………………………………………37

2.8.3 Studies on Using Video Material in Language Classes…………………38

2.8.4 Studies on Using Captions and Subtitles…………………………………..47

2.8.5 Studies on Using Advance Organizers……………………………………..54

2.9 Summary……………………………………………………………………………59


Chapter 3: Methodology

3.0 Preliminaries…………………………………………………..………………….60

3.1 The Design of the Study………………………………………………………….60

3.2 Participants……………………………………………………………………….61

3.3 Instruments and Materials………………………………………………………….62

3.3.1 Oxford Placement Test………………………………………….………62

3.3.2 IELTS Listening Test………………………………………..………….63

3.3.3 Close-ended Questionnaire………………………………….………….63

3.3.4 Video Material…………………………………………………..………63

3.3.5 Pilot Study………………………………………………………………64

3.4 Data Collection Procedure………………………………………………..………65

3.5 Methods of Analyzing Data……………………………………………………….66

3.6 Summary………………………………………………………………..…………67

Chapter 4: Result

4.0 Preliminaries…………………………………………………………….…….…..68

4.1 Data Analysis and Findings…………………………………………….…………69

4.1.1 Pilot Study……………………………………………………..…………69

4.1.2 General Placement Test (OPT)………………………………..…………70

4.1.3 Testing the Normality Assumption…………………………….…………71

4.1.4 The First Research Question……………………………….……………73

4.1.5 Descriptive Statistics for the Pre-Test Scores of Listening Comprehension……………………………………………………………………….74

4.1.6 Descriptive Statistics for the Post-Test Scores of Listening Comprehension…………………………………………………………..……….……76

4.1.7 The Second Research Question……………………….…………………78

4.1.8 The Third Research Question……………………………………………78

4.1.9 The Fourth Research Question……………….………………………….79

4.2 Summary………………………………………………………………………………83

Chapter 5: Discussion

5.0 Preliminaries……………………………………………………………………….85

5.1 General Discussion……………………………………….…………………………..85

5.2 Implications of the Study………………………………….………………………90

یک مطلب دیگر :


5.3 Limitations of the Study…………………………………………….…………….91

5.4 Suggestions for further Research…………………………………………………92

5.5 Summary………………………………………………………………………….92



Appendix A: Oxford Placement Test…………………………………………102

Appendix B: IELTS Listening Tests…………………………………………110

Appendix C: Close-ended Questionnaire………………….…………………118


List of Tables

Title                                                                                                                           Page

Table 2.1 Years of Training in Different Skills………………………………….……17

Table 3.1 Information about the Participants` age……………………………………61

Table 4.1 Correlations between First and Second Administration of Listening Test……………………………………………………………………………………70

Table 4.2 Reliability Statistics…………………………………………………….…..70

Table 4.3 Statistics for OPT Test Scores………………………………………………71

Table 4.4 Statistics for the Skewness Analysis……………………………………….72

Table 4.5 Descriptive Statistics for Pre-test Scores of Listening Comprehension Test……………………………………………………………………………………..74

Table 4.6 One – Way ANOVA for the Three Groups on Pre-Test………………….…75

Table 4.7 Descriptive Statistics for the Results of the Post–Test………………….…..76

Table 4.8 One- Way ANOVA for the Three Groups on Post-Test……………….……77

Table 4.9 Multiple Comparisons (Scheffe test) for Three Groups on Post-Test……….78

Table 4.10 Item Statistics for the Attitude Questionnaire…………………………….80

List of Figures

Figure 4.1 Scatter plot for the two experimental and control group for pre-test scores………………………………………………………………………………….73

Figure 4.2 Scatter plot for the two experimental and control group for post-test scores………………………………………………………………………………….73

Figure 4.3 The comparison of the three groups on pre-test…………………………..75

Figure 4.4 The comparison of the three groups on post- test…………………………79


The present study investigated the impact of silent and freeze-frame viewing techniques of video materials on the intermediate EFL learners` listening comprehension. In addition, it aimed at investigating the learners` attitudes towards these two viewing techniques. To these ends, 45 intermediate EFL learners were randomly assigned into one control and two experimental groups who received the treatment of viewing techniques in silent and freeze-frame separately. The participants were selected based on Oxford Placement Test from among 150 EFL learners. The two experimental groups received their treatment for ten sessions while for the control group the visual material was presented in written form. Before the treatment, all three groups received a pre-test based on IELTS listening which was administered to make sure there were not any significant differences among the groups in terms of their listening comprehension. After ten sessions of treatment, a post-test based on IELTS listening test, identical to the pre-test, was given. The results of One-Way ANOVA revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between the experimental groups and the control group. While the difference between the two experimental groups was not significant, the experimental groups outperformed the control group significantly. A closed questionnaire was also administered to explore the participants’ attitudes and the results revealed that the participants of the experimental groups had positive attitudes towards using specific viewing techniques of video materials.

موضوعات: بدون موضوع  لینک ثابت

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