دانلود مقاله ISI با ترجمه شبکه های بی سیم متصل به بدن و کاربردهای ... |
PHYs, we introduce the human body communication (HBC)
which uses the human body as a communication channel to
transmit the electric signal. Through the clear understanding of
the body channel with T-shaped body channel model and
theoretical channel analysis, we present 6 HBC transceiver
implemented with CMOS technology, including a world–first
WBAN transceiver satisfying all of the specifications for IEEE
802.15.6 standard. Through the implemented transceiver, we
یک مطلب دیگر :
successfully demonstrate the MP3 player, and smart patch
system for entertainment, and healthcare application,
Index Terms — wireless body area network, human body
communication, wireless body area network
The expansion of u-healthcare will allow remote healthcare
services including disease diagnosis and patient status
monitoring. This will lead to an increased interest in medical
service that is oriented to a systematic prevention and
improved healthcare in everyday life due to an increase of
interest in overall health, chronic diseases, such as
cardiovascular disease and diabetes [1]. This will also lead to
an improvement of a regional gap in the use of medical
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[سه شنبه 1399-07-29] [ 10:46:00 ب.ظ ]